Sometimes we face issues on our jobs where we can't apply the right thory that we learned from the books and at school about database design.
Algumas vezes encontramos situações no trabalho onde não podemos aplicar a teoria correta no desenho do Banco de Dados.
In today's T-SQL tip, with the help of a DBA friend I have, I will demonstrate how to return a recordset from two tables where in one of them the content for a field is a list of IDs.
Na dica de T-SQL de hoje, com a ajuda de um amigo DBA, eu demostro como retornar um recordset apartir de duas tabelas onde em uma delas o conteúdo dos campos é uma lista de IDs.
Supose that the database tables structure can't be modified to a more normalized and theoretically correct. So imagine this two sample tables:
Supondo que o banco de dados não pode ser alterado para uma forma normalizada teóricamente mais eficiente. Imagine essas duas tabelas:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[products]
([id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]
-- insert some sample data
INSERT INTO products (name)
VALUES ('product 1')
INSERT INTO products (name)
values ('product 2')
INSERT INTO products (name) values ('product 3')
INSERT INTO products (name) values ('product 4')
INSERT INTO products (name) values ('product 5')
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[orders]
( [id_order] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[products] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
-- insert some sample data
INSERT INTO orders (products) VALUES ('1,3,4')
INSERT INTO orders (products) VALUES ('2,3,5')
INSERT INTO orders (products) VALUES ('3,4')
INSERT INTO orders (products) VALUES ('1,5')
INSERT INTO orders (products) VALUES ('3')
INSERT INTO orders (products) VALUES ('2')
Now the select statement that makes the join between the two tables and return the recordset for each products on the orders table
Agora, o select que faz a junção das duas tabelas e retorna um recordset com cada produto na tabela orders.
SELECT o.id_order,
FROM orders o INNER JOIN products p ON CHARINDEX(','+CAST( as varchar)+',',','+o.products+',') > 0
ORDER BY o.id_order
The secret is the use of charindex with the commas at the start and end to find the IDs in the orders table.
O segredo esta em usar o charindex com as virgulas (',') no inicio e no final para encontrar os IDs contidos na tabela orders.
Update 1: A friend requested to make the select for a MS Access database. I don't recommend Access for web applications but this is the subject for another post. See the code bellow .
Peter Crouch
Many thanks, this website is really helpful